Once again I attended the Alternative Parenting Show in central London. This is an annual event for intended parents to meet with a number of professionals from the family building arena. It is always great to meet up with the people who share the same ethos as me which is to make sure that the intended parents are fully informed and have someone they can talk to about which are the right decisions for them.
I was part of The Fertility Center's (www.fertilitycenterlv.com) stand this year which was amazing as I got to learn more about what their plans are for 2016 and how they would like me to be more formally involved. All in all the plans are very exciting as they are going to be opening another IVF clinic in New York which will mean that by the end of 2016 they will have clinics in Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles - a true pan-U.S. IVF offering.
I am excited about this because if you remember in one of my blog postings from March 2014 I posed the question, which to use an IVF clinic on the East or on the West Coast of the U.S. Thankfully, now intended parents have the ability to choose which city is geographically best for them and to have one of the top US IVF clinics available to start their IVF process. Needless to say, all of the intended parents that I spoke to at the event were thrilled about this because they can now choose a trip delineated by other factors not only where they can get to easily!
On top of this, I spoke to north of 20 couples who were looking at the US and Canada to go start their family through surrogacy and what surprised me (in a nice way) was how many had actually seen my book and how many had some very well thought out ideas and thoughts on the surrogacy journey. It really amazes me every time someone kindly says how helpful my book has been.
Of course, even with the book and talking briefly to me there are many questions that remain unanswered for intended parents so in early October through my not-for-profit www.surrogacywithconfidence.com I will be running another free seminar to answer as many questions as I can. If you would like to come then please send me a message and I will forward on the details to you.
I was part of The Fertility Center's (www.fertilitycenterlv.com) stand this year which was amazing as I got to learn more about what their plans are for 2016 and how they would like me to be more formally involved. All in all the plans are very exciting as they are going to be opening another IVF clinic in New York which will mean that by the end of 2016 they will have clinics in Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles - a true pan-U.S. IVF offering.
I am excited about this because if you remember in one of my blog postings from March 2014 I posed the question, which to use an IVF clinic on the East or on the West Coast of the U.S. Thankfully, now intended parents have the ability to choose which city is geographically best for them and to have one of the top US IVF clinics available to start their IVF process. Needless to say, all of the intended parents that I spoke to at the event were thrilled about this because they can now choose a trip delineated by other factors not only where they can get to easily!
On top of this, I spoke to north of 20 couples who were looking at the US and Canada to go start their family through surrogacy and what surprised me (in a nice way) was how many had actually seen my book and how many had some very well thought out ideas and thoughts on the surrogacy journey. It really amazes me every time someone kindly says how helpful my book has been.
Of course, even with the book and talking briefly to me there are many questions that remain unanswered for intended parents so in early October through my not-for-profit www.surrogacywithconfidence.com I will be running another free seminar to answer as many questions as I can. If you would like to come then please send me a message and I will forward on the details to you.